Monday, September 12, 2022

The Grievance Industry Wants Your $$

 If I can convince you someone deserves help, I can make a fortune

You may have seen, earlier in this blog, the tremendous hoax behind the term, "African - American". That's not the only case in which people are exploited for monetary gain.

At the sci-fi/fantasy convention, "Dragoncon", it was apparently necessary to single out some demographics for special attention. These groups cannot advance on their own merit, it seems, and so special attention is necessary based on... identity. Not achievement.

So an organized effort must be mounted to see that everyone gets market share.

This is nonsense.

The Dragoncon venue/universe encompasses every kind of performing art - emphasis on, "performing". In general, the audience absolutely cannot tell if the artist is LBGTQ or of a given race, and in fact this is totally irrelevant to them. Elton John and James Brown showed more than 50 years ago that people ignore such things when a killer product is delivered. This has been lost on the professionally offended today.


When have any of us cared who the performer is until after we have seen their work?

To the point, there is serious money to be made in the grievance industry - that industry concerned with the outrage of... third parties. As we have seen the real achievements of minorities obliterated because they succeeded the "wrong" way, we see yet more Reasoning Deficit Disorder.
Such people who insist that the way to success is to penalize the already successful are deranged, and we should not oblige them. Especially heinous is the effect chivvying for advantage has on the market: standards are lowered. This is not the way to get excellence. The mediocre are not magically made great by calling on their personality.

Be careful. The issue is not that such people exist. It is that there is value being assigned to identity independent of contribution to society. Two excellent articles illustrating this are Six Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person, and Fisking NPD About Latinos In The Movies. I note in the latter that LGBTQ+ is represented on-air at nearly ten times their representation in the population.

Somehow that's not enough.

In short: you want success, my attention? Put out great work. Even Hollywood, the most savagely competitive environment there is, asks for that as it pretends to care about those who can't do that.