Thursday, November 23, 2023

How You Lost The United States of America

You have. How? Wait for it…

I have a friend whose sister is an elementary school teacher. She had difficulty with one of her second-grade students, in that he would untie his shoes several times a day, but couldn’t tie them again; he would whine about their being untied incessantly until she tied them for him. So, at a scheduled meeting with his mother, she mentioned that the tyke needed to learn to tie his shoes. The response?

 “That yo job.”

That is a quote. And an example, for she was in no way alone in that opinion.

Nationwide, Americans think it is "someone else’s" job… to do everything. This is well acknowledged. Nearly everyone has a story about someone they know, wanting, even expecting special treatment from others at some time.

But there is a second aspect, invisible and truly horrible. 


The average American – by extension, you – decided you would assign the entire job of “education” to teachers, even aiding and abetting the absolute myth that teachers are nobles, of special status if not divine.

Here are problems, giant ones:

• Parents lose respect in their own home as they claim apathy and ignorance every time their children ask a question
• The teaching profession has evolved into a political entity with no personal experience other than… attending school.

More than half of the instruction, training, and education previous generations received is now gone.


Almost nothing is learned from family, as arguments about “education” revolve around testing and money. The teaching profession takes an adversarial position to parental involvement, which somehow has turned into a battle for “self-esteem” which somehow has become disconnected with either aptitude or achievement. Kids don’t learn anything substantive? Ignore that. Make sure they feel OK about it, instead. Be hostile to those who insist that your judgment is suspect.

How did you lose the United States of America? By wanting nothing whatsoever to do with maintaining it. For wanting to avoid judgment of people you knew in your heart were wrong, foolish or evil, because that was not only unpleasant but would expose your inactivity, your uselessness in matters of ethical import. You seized on the idea, "Judge not, lest ye be judged" at once, utterly fearful of Jesus' command at the real end of that story: "Go, and sin no more!"
You have never noticed that the founders of this country set up a system depending on you.


In all aspects of American society.
Including family. Which you’re teaching to be selfish and entitled.
I’m sure you’re a wonderful person, otherwise.

So you get a “participant” trophy, too.