It's not "government". It's YOU. But not really.
As the political season has been extended to a year-round activity, apparently by popular demand, let me apologize beforehand for any offense you might encounter in reading only part of the story.
If you're not interested in politics, you can stop now. I don't blame you.
Only part of the story? Yeah, you're not really looking at legal actions in the news. For decades, I have watched political expediency set aside law. Please note that Reagan, both Bushes, both Clintons and Obama were surrounded by and buried in a pile of criminals. None of them got touched, no matter how much lying they did. You know you saw their fans loudly proclaim they didn't care, too - even before Facebook, outrage was not linked to education, logic, or reason. The list of offenses against the Constitution are countless.
Each generation has had the opportunity to fix this - to see that the candidate was *not* a liar and conniving miscreant bent on enrichening themselves.
You know in your bones that you now have one person in mind. Now, be honest: this applies to *your* favorite, too.
Each generation has been distracted so well that they only *react* to offenses already complete. I am sure none of you has an idea HOW to get a deserving person on the national stage for the next election - I don't know how to do that - but it's clear that the existing political machines are self-serving, that we have no moral superiority anywhere in sight. Nearly half of the country realizes that the existing government does not serve them - yet the other half is certain that this machine holds them dear.
Okay, I guess. Some owners do love their slaves...
The founding documents of this nation say that YOU are in charge, and that there are commensurate responsibilities YOU must exercise.
But that's the most unpleasant and most hastily-denied word on the planet: "responsibility".
All this time, you've been delegating *authority* to elected officials, to act on your behalf. In the process, you probably didn't notice that your collective attitude, "I pay my taxes, now do your job" has undermined us all. Having no idea whatsoever about what you want to happen, your will is now irrelevent, replaced with whatever that ruling class wants.
So you might be offended now that someone doesn't like your stance on a political issue. Sorry - you have to deal with it. No one gets to ignore a society's rules while they interact with it. That's not me talking. It's one of the laws of cause and effect.
Meanwhile, steady pressure exerted by the actions of Congress will determine whether hobnailed boots come to your house.
You might want to look at that now and then.